Demandes d’Achats (DA)

Simplify and accelerate your purchase request process

Managing purchase requests is crucial for ensuring efficient and uninterrupted supply.
The SEMS Purchase Requests (PR) module allows you to centralize and automate the creation, validation, and tracking of purchase requests, ensuring that your company’s needs are met quickly and efficiently.

Our Purchase Requests (PR) module includes:

- Purchase Request Creation: A simple interface to create purchase requests in just a few clicks.
- Request Validation: A configurable validation process to ensure requests are approved by the right people.
- Request Tracking: Tracking tools to view the status of each request in real-time.
- History and Reports: Archiving requests for future consultation and generating analysis reports.

Demandes d’Achats (DA)
Demandes d’Achats (DA)

Optimize your purchase request processes

Increased Efficiency: Reduces the time needed to create and validate purchase requests.
Complete Visibility: Real-time tracking for better priority management.
✓ Process Automation: Reduces human errors through automation.
✓ Compliance: Ensures all requests comply with internal policies.

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