Boîtes à idées

Encourage citizen creativity with a collaborative idea box

The suggestion box module provides a dedicated space where citizens can propose innovative ideas on predefined topics.
This tool enables the collection, structuring, and voting of ideas, fostering the development of creative and participative solutions to meet community needs.

Our suggestion box module includes:

- Idea Submission: Allow citizens to submit ideas on various themes in response to specific needs.
- Voting and Prioritization: Enable voting on the most relevant ideas to prioritize their development.
- Proposal Tracking: Ensure the tracking of selected ideas from conception to implementation.
- Impact Analysis: Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented ideas and their impact on the community.

Boîtes à idées
Boîtes à idées

Foster collective creativity for innovative solutions

 Participatory Innovation: Harness collective intelligence to generate innovative and applicable ideas.
✓ Citizen Engagement: Actively involve citizens in finding solutions to local challenges.
✓Transparency: Provide transparent tracking of proposed ideas and their implementation.
 Diverse Solutions: Encourage a variety of perspectives to enrich the proposed solutions.

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