
Empower citizens to bring important issues to the attention of authorities

The Inquiries module allows citizens to raise concerns and request attention from decision-makers on issues not yet on the public agenda.
This tool fosters citizen involvement and strengthens the dialogue between residents and authorities.

Our Inquiries module includes:

- Creation: Enable citizens to create interpellations on topics that matter to them.
- Voting and Support: Organize voting phases to measure public support for each interpellation.
- Processing: Ensure transparent handling of interpellations with public follow-up on their progress.
- Open Dialogue: Facilitate dialogue between citizens and decision-makers for a better understanding of concerns.


Strengthen citizen dialogue with effective interpellations

✓  Improved Dialogue: Strengthen communication between citizens and authorities through an open and transparent interpellation platform.
✓  Responsiveness: Allow citizens to quickly address important issues, even if they are not yet on the public agenda.
✓  Citizen Engagement: Provide citizens with a direct way to express their concerns and actively participate in public decisions.
✓  Increased Trust: Build trust by showing that citizens concerns are acknowledged and addressed.

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