What are the differences between Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro?

What are the differences between Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro?


There are two commonly used versions of Windows 10: Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro. Windows 10 Pro is primarily used on professional (laptop) computers, while Windows 10 Home is mainly used on standard personal computers.

The differences between these two versions of Windows 10 are outlined in the table below:


As shown in the table, some features available in Windows 10 Pro are missing from Windows 10 Home.

The four main differences are:

  • BitLocker: A powerful encryption tool that protects the files on your hard drive or external USB devices.
  • Update for Business: Enables updates to be performed via the cloud.
  • Remote Desktop: Allows you to connect remotely to another computer within the domain.
  • Assigned Access: Lets you specify which applications other users are allowed to access.


To purchase Windows Pro or Windows Home, Click here 

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